Microsoft Developer Conference 2012 Windows 8 Hackathon 24 Hours
Windows 8 Consumer Preview telah diluncurkan tanggal 29 Februari 2012 yang lalu. Lebih dari 1 juta orang telah mengunduhnya dalam 24 jam pertama! Sebuah pencapaian luar biasa, yang tentunya membuka peluang besar bagi rekan-rekan Developer untuk mengembangkan aplikasi di atas platform baru ini. Ditambah lagi dengan aplikasi Metro Style yang baru yang ditujukan untuk pengguna device berbasis sentuh seperti slate dan tablet.
Dalam Microsoft Developer Conference kali ini, 1000 developer akan berkumpul di Yogjakarta selama 24 jam untuk mempelajari mengenai teknik pemrograman aplikasi Metro di Windows 8 dipandu oleh Software Design Engineer langsung dari Microsoft Corporation USA. Peserta akan berkompetisi untuk menghasilkan Metro Style App terbaik yang akan dipilih untuk memenangkan hadiah menarik dari Microsoft Indonesia.
Kesempatan luar biasa bagi developer dari kalangan mahasiswa, freelancer dan startup di seluruh Indonesia.
Lokasi : Sheraton Mustika Ballroom, Yogjakarta
Waktu : Rabu 16 Mei 2012 jam 08.30 sampai Kamis 17 Mei 2012 jam 09.30
Audience : Developer (Mahasiswa, Freelancer, Web Developer/Agency, Startups)
Acara ini akan diramaikan oleh pembicara-pembicara ternama dari Microsoft Corporation USA dan akan tercatat sebagai Hackathon terbesar dalam sejarah MURI.
Daftarkan diri Anda sekarang
Profil Pembicara Utama
Walid Abu-Habda, Corporate Vice President, Developer & Platform Evangelism Group, Microsoft Corporation
Walid Abu-Hadba is corporate vice president of Microsoft's
Developer & Platform Evangelism (DPE) group, where he leads
efforts to build a vibrant solutions ecosystem through evangelism,
community engagement and audience marketing. Prior to leading
D&PE, Abu-Hadba was vice president of Enterprise Specialist
Sales (ESS) in the Enterprise and Partner Group (EPG) at Microsoft,
where he defined and executed strategies for the specialist team
that helps customers meet their business needs using advanced
technologies. Abu-Hadba joined Microsoft in October of 1991 to
manage consulting for Microsoft Consulting Services. Later, he was
the practice manager of Microsoft's Advanced Technology Consulting
Practice. Abu-Hadba also had a long and successful track record in
the Microsoft Product Support Services (PSS). He was general
manager of Support Services for Asia-Pacific, Japan and regional
PSS. Abu-Hadba led a team of over 700 technical professionals and
managers who delivered support and services to consumers,
developers, partners and enterprise customers. Before joining the
APAC and Japan regional team, he served as the general manager for
PSS Americas and Global Developer Support. Abu-Hadba holds
bachelor's degrees in systems engineering and business
administration, and a master's degree in business
Said Zahedani (PH.D.) Asia Pacific, GM, Developer
Platform and Evangelism Group, Microsoft
Said Zahedani is the new GM of Developer Platform and
Evangelism group (DP&E). Said's DP&E group
specializes on software innovations- with recent focus on
transformation of User Experience, and Cloud computing. His
team drives holistic approach to address challenges and
opportunities in IT industry by engaging with research institutes,
developers, universities, customers, consortiums, and others in the
ecosystem. Before his recent move to APAC, Said has served as
Microsoft´s strategic lead for Cloud Computing, and an executive
member of Microsoft Germany. Said has also served as a member of
board of directors of "DFKI"- Research for Artificial Intelligence
in Germany, a member of Muencher Kreis Association which explores
ICT trends with 600+ enterprises, and a member of BITKOM, German
Association for Information and Communication technologies. Said
earned his PH. D. in Computer Science/Programing Languages in
Technical University of Darmstadt, and has worked for various
companies including Mercedes/Debis and IBM, before joining
Microsoft in 2003. Said has written several books throughout
his career including subjects on Secure Software Development, and
Gaming Industry Landscape in Germany.
Profil Trainer Utama
- Risman Adnan, Director Developer and Platform Group, Microsoft Indonesia
- Herman Widjaja, Senior Test Lead, Microsoft Corporation
- Norman Sasono, Technical Evangelist, Microsoft Indonesia
- Irving Hutagalung, Technical Evangelist, Microsoft Indonesia
- Darmawan Suandi, Technical Evangelist, Microsoft Indonesia
- Julius Fenata, Technical Evangelist, Microsoft Indonesia
- Wirawan Winarto, Developer Tools Specialist, Microsoft Indonesia
- Umi Fadillah, UX Specialist, Microsoft Indonesia
- Dr. Ridi Ferdiana, Microsoft Innovation Center Lead, UGM
- Erick Kurniawan, Microsoft Valuable Professional, UKDW
- Puja Pramudya, Microsoft Valuable Professional, ITB
Terbuka untuk mahasiswa, alumni, dosen dan IT startup/freelancer yang berdomisili di Yogjakarta dan sekitarnya. Peserta hackathon adalah individual atau tim 1-5 anggota dengan kompetensi yang berbeda, seperti Architect, Developer, Project Manager dan UI/UX Designer. Kompetensi yang diharapkan dari peserta adalah sebagai berikut:Kriteria Peserta Windows 8 Hackathon
- Kemampuan pemrograman: HTML/CSS dan JavaScript atau .NET (C#, VB.NET, C++) dan XAML
- Kemampuan UI design dan Multimedia dengan Microsoft Expression Designer atau Tool lainnya
- Memiliki ide/skenario aplikasi Metro Style (Tablet/Slate)
- Memiliki komitmen untuk menyelesaikan aplikasi selama pelaksanaan Windows 8 Hackathon dan sesudah
- Dapat Mengikuti Campus Roadshow di UGM, UKDW, AKAKOM dan AMIKOM untuk peserta Mahasiswa.
- Untuk peserta yang sudah melalukan pendaftaran online, diharapkan aktif di tweeter dengan hashtag #MDCJogja #1K24HW8
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