blog visitors

How to visit blogs crowded

Hello, here I will discuss about how the blog can be visited by many people. Before discussing what exactly a blog is and what its use? Blog is short for web log is a web application that resembles the writings (published as a post) on a public web page. Usefulness of blogs and media sharing its own experience to share knowledge and can serve as an online journal featuring news information with specific topics such as product information.

There are 15 ways that blogs are always crowded with visitors, among others:

1. Fill your blog with a lot of articles, people are more interested to visit the blog that rich content is not just a blog that has articles / contain any kind of example only discusses about online business, blog tutorials and so on. So as the owner of the blog, we must always make articles of diverse topics / themes and of course the article should really qualified. This will make visitors more and always addicted to visit our blog.
2. Perform the settings layout / design blog as interesting as possible, choose a template that I find interesting and do the layout arrangement as neat as possible. Blog layout and avoid a messy and less pleasant to look at. Because according to past experience, there is a visitor of my blog has always been routine since he was interested to see the arrangement of the front page of my blog, but I think the article kuposting less attractive.
3. Use a blog name that is memorable. The catchy blog name will make our blog more frequently visited.
4. Try to write articles on other web sites, because according to experience, many web owners who like to collect good articles to be uploaded on their site. Perhaps this is one opportunity that is often wasted by novice bloggers like me. Due to contribute an article to other sites will make our blog become more famous in cyberspace. Believe it or not, please see for yourself.
There are several sites that used to collect articles, among others,, and
5. For a new blog to do the press release (press release), This method is powerful enough to promote a new blog to the world. There are several sites that can be used as a venue for the promotion of our new blog include:,, and
6. Actively join in the forums, this proved quite powerful way to bring visitors to your blog. You can join at MyLot.
7. Always give the identity / tagging on any image / images you upload on each post. Give the keyword picture on the tag "alt" & "title"
8. Create a blog as a place of discussion, which should be done is to immediately provide feedback on any new comments. Because many visitors are attracted by dynamic blogger (quick response to any new comment)
9. Keep posting to other blogs, Any link to another blog post, will automatically make a trackback, or better known as the pingback. And if their blog trackback is enabled, then you will get linkback.
10. Attach the plugin Google Analityc, because the installation of google analityc then you can continuously control the statistical keywords used by visitors in search of your blog in search engines. Surely this will facilitate us in menyisipi effective keywords in each article.
11. Often provide other blog comments, Maybe this way the easiest way to our blog known by other visitors. Since almost 100 percent of each will give a comment, you are required to write your name and your web page. This method is also quite effective also in improving the page rank, because if we do dofollow blog commenting, then automatically we also get a backlink.
12. Do the fabric of friendship with other bloggers by exchanging links, it is also powerful enough to raise the amount of traffic to our blog.
13. Make the title of the article is interesting and raises the curiosity of visitors to want to read the contents of this article.
14. Always submit new articles to social bookmarking sites, this method is effective enough to bring thousands of visitors. Do submit articles to social sites such Boomark,,,,, etc..
15. Make linkbond much as possible on each article, thus forming a fabric article. If there is one article of interest to visit, and the article has links to other articles, the majority of visitors will visit the other articles. And of course this will make the blog page views increase.
Good luck ,,

5 komentar:

Get Free Mp3 mengatakan...

thanks ya infonya.. membantu bgt..
backlink ya ::

Ivan Yandri mengatakan...

thanks y gan,,,
kunjungan balik y...

Unknown mengatakan...

Unknown mengatakan...

Unknown mengatakan...

siap,, trima kasih atas kunjunganya

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